Epilepsy and Landau Kleffner Information and Sites
Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution Home Page. (The home page to one of the world's foremost authorities on normalizing blood sugars.)
British Epilepsy Association (check out the A-Z index at the bottom of the page for all topics covered!!)
Center for Epilepsy, Southern Illinois University (The Center for Epilepsy provides comprehensive care for persons with all types of epilepsy, through advanced diagnositc techniques, specialized pharmacologic therapy, new investigational drugs and devices, and epilepsy surgery. The Center also provides educational programs for physicians and other health care workers on managment of epilepsy. New patient appointments are made upon referral from your primary care physician. The clinic is located in the SIU Clinics Building,751 N. Rutledge, 2nd floor, Springfield, IL Our phone number is (217) 524-8417, weekdays, 8 - 5 pm, Central time)
Clinical Trials Epilepsy (Clinical Trials Listing Service)
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (The Comprehensive Epilepsy Center of New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center provides a multidisciplinary approach to the complex medical and social needs of patients with seizures. The program serves adult and pediatric patients with intractable (hard to treat) seizures, as well as those with other epilepsy-related diagnostic and management problems. )
Dick's Epilepsy Links (Over 300 Links for people with epilepsy (including myself) and other interested folk)
Electrical status epilepticus during slow sleep
The EpiCentre (The EpiCentre has been established for people with epilepsy and their families. Its aim is to provide information about epilepsy and its treatment. The core information has been replicated from a booklet produced by the Neurological Department at Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia. The EpiCentre has been enhanced with links to other epilepsy resources as appropriate.)
Epilepsy Centers at Washington University, Barnes-Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children's Hospital (Epilepsy information for adults and pediatrics (The Pediatric Epilepsy Center is one of the largest and most comprehensive specialized centers for the care of children with epilepsy and seizure disorders in the United States. The staff of the Pediatric Epilepsy Center are dedicated to providing the best technical care for all children with epilepsy in a compassionate environment that is sensitive to the special needs of infants, children, and adolescents with epilepsy and their families)
Epilepsy Contact Database (This site is sponsored by the Olivia Waddell Epilepsy Endowment Fund,and was developed to unite and educate those affected by and afflicted with epilepsy.) (This looks like a great site with tons of info! MUST SEE!! Especially check out her links page - "Instrumentation" link has MEG etc...and tests)
Epilepsy (Diseases and Disorders) (many links on the Galaxy search site! Check it out!)
Epilepsia (The leading international journal on the epilepsies for more than 30 years, Epilepsia provides comprehensive coverage of current clinical and research results. Each issue features articles on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of epilepsy, written by the foremost experts worldwide. Articles encompass the entire range of epileptology, including clinical neurology, neurobiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and neurosurgery)
Epilepsy Education Association (The Epilepsy Education Association, Inc. is a not- for-profit corporation that has been recently organized in the state of Indiana. As the name implies, we are dedicated to promoting education about epilepsy. Our programs will be directed to patients and their families, the general public and to physicians. )
Epilepsy Foundation (Welcome!The Epilepsy Foundation (formerly the Epilepsy Foundation of America)¨ is the national organization that works for people affected by seizures through research, education, advocacy and service. We are an organization of volunteers committed to the prevention and cure of epilepsy and a positive quality of life for everyone who lives with seizure disorders. Our current strategic goals include broadening and strengthening of research, providing individuals and families with easy access to reliable information, and assuring access to appropriate medical care for those affected by seizures.) (Great site -check it out!!)
Epilepsy Health and Medical Links (Our mission is to provide timely, comprehensive, and accessible medical information on chronic medical conditions, utilizing the latest available technology to deliver information efficiently. We are completely independent of any hospital , drug company, HMO, hospital, or other health care organization in order to ensure unbiased, objective, credible information. All information that appears on our site must pass a rigorous clinical review process before we deem it worthy of you.)
Epilepsy and Brain Mapping Program (The Epilepsy and Brain Mapping Program is a comprehensive healthcare center for treating adult and pediatric epilepsy and other neurological disorders with seizures. Our medical and surgical center offers people with epilepsy a multitude of treatment options including medical management of seizures through established anti-epileptic medications and clinical drug trials, ketogenic diet, surgical treatment and cognitive and psychological assessment, counseling and rehabilitation.)
Epilepsy in Young Children (This site is intended as a support platform for parents and other caregivers of children with epilepsy. The main portion of this site consists of stories of individual children. The information in each of these stories is contributed by the parents (or other caregivers) of these children)
Epilepsy Research Lab (The Epilepsy Research Laboratory is engaged in basic science research into the mechanisms underlying the development of the epileptic condition (epileptogenesis) and the clinical expression of epilepsy (seizures). The ultimate goal is to devise novel and more effective therapeutic strategies to improve the treatment of patients with epilepsy and to prevent the development of epilepsy in at risk population)
Epilepsy Resource Center (Medical news, information, links, message boards, books, and much more on epilepsy.)
Epilepsy Task Force on Classification & Terminology (A Proposed Diagnostic Schema for People with Epileptic Seizures and with Epilepsy: Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification and Terminology.) (Has some good info here!)
Epilepsy Web Ring(A group of sites for anybody who has a seizure problem, or has a loved one with epilepsy. Generally speaking, the sites are aimed more at people then practitioners Remember one thing about seizures: If you can't laugh at 'em, you can't live with 'em!)(I did not say that!)
Epileptic and epileptiform Encephalopathies Authored by James J Riviello, Jr, MD, Director of Epilepsy Program, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Division of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School eMedicine Journal, July 9 2001, Volume 2, Number 7
Exceptional Parent On-Line ( New Method in Seizure Management: Vagus Nerve Stimulation)
Division TEACCH:A Review of Seizure Disorders and Landau-Kleffner Syndrome in the Autistic Population (*Definition and Frequency of Epilepsy in Autistic Population *Clinical Observations*Diagnostic Studies*Seizure Treatment*Landau-Kleffner Syndrome.)
Family Village -- Ketogenic Diet (Ketogenic Diet Who to Contact Mailings Lists, NewsGroups & Web Boards Learn More About It Web Sites Who to Contact: Keto Klub Newsletter 61557 Miami Meadows Court South Bend, IN 46614 Charlie Foundation Jim and Nancy Abrahams, Charlie's Parents..)
Ketogenic Diet (This is the Ketogenic Diet home page from the Loek's. We have established a list of links and other important information about the diet. Disclaimer This is not intended to be a source of medical advice.) (they have some menus on the site)
Ketogenic Diet Packard Children's Hospital Stanford University Medical Center (Ketogenic diet is a special method of treating epilepsy (seizure disorders). This Web Site was created by the Pediatric Neurology Division at Stanford University School of Medicine to facilitate communication between health care providers who are using the ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy. We hope that the information that you find at this site to be informative and helpful.)
Landau Kleffner Syndrome (Landau Kleffner Syndrome is a rare form of childhood epilepsy which results in a severe language disorder. The cause of the condition is unknown. More information on Speech Therapy for Landau Kleffner Syndrome. * "Friends Of Landau Kleffner Syndrome" support charity home page. * Frequently Asked Questions about LKS internet resources.)
Landau Kleffner (This is a webforum to discuss and comment on Landau Kleffner Syndrome.)
LKS Support Group (Welcome to LKS support group - lots of info,chat room,discussion board,articles,links,Q&A and a members only section)
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (The basic principle of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is: never eat something that your intestines cannot digest. There are specific carbohydrates which are trouble makers in the digestive system, especially those suffering Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The SCD Web Library was founded in 1996 and is an edited, purposeful compilation of listserve communications of over 250 people that are getting real results from dietary adjustments.) (A page dedicated to the Gottschall Specific Carbohydrate Diet, used as a treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases.)