Resources in Pennsylvania
ASCEND Group, Inc., an Asperger Syndrome information alliance for Southeastern Pennsylvania, was founded in 2001. It was started by two mothers of children with Asperger Syndrome as a means to create a community of people who are concerned about the many ways that Asperger Syndrome, high-functioning autism, and PDD affect children and their families in the home, at school and in every area of their lives. ASCEND Group, Inc. is a volunteer, parent-run organization
American Health Care Association Western Pennsylvania's Resource for Parents of Autistic Children
Autism Research Program, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Autism Support and Advocacy in Pennsylvania
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit
The DRM Regional Resource Directory: Pennsylvania
Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Autism Society of America
Kids Together, Inc (This site is designed to provide helpful information and resources to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities, and communities as a whole. )
National Autism Conference and Pennsylvania Autism Institute (on the agenda pages there are several pdf downloadable handouts from the conference
National Center for Assisted Living
North American Riding for the Handicapped Association Region 2
Northeastern Educational Intermediate Unit 19
Northwestern Pennsylvania Autism Society of America
Pennsylvania Autism Framework for Collaborative Service Delivery
Pennsylvania Division Developmental Disabilities
Pennsylvania's Intermediate Units
Pennsylvania State Resources The offices listed on this state sheet are primarily state-level offices. Even if an office is not close to your home, they can usually put you in touch with resources in your community, as well as provide you with information and assistance about disability issues in your state. If you find that an address or number has changed or is incorrect, please e-mail us at
Pennsylvania Training &Technical Assistance Network
Professional Development Certificate in Autism
Provider ( Provider, the monthly magazine for long term care professionals, focuses on key areas of industry concern, including legislative and regulatory policy initiatives, business development and management, financing and reimbursement, facility operations, legal issues, nursing, resident care, and products and services.)
SAFE Supporting Autism and Families Everywhere
Self Determination Housing Projects ( The mission of SDHP is to promote self-determination and control in housing for all people with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.)