Apraxia-Kids (Has your child recently been diagnosed with apraxia or dyspraxia of speech? Are you concerned about a child who seems to be late to start talking? Are you a teacher with an apraxic child in your classroom? Or an experienced speech language pathologist or parent wishing to become more fully informed about apraxia? If this describes you, you're at the right place! )
Children's Speech Sound Disorders
Dyspraxia Can We Talk? (Developmental Apraxia of Speech and Related Issues)
Dyspraxia Foundation (We exist to support individuals and families affected by developmental dyspraxia and to increase the understanding and awareness of developmental dyspraxia.)
HealthlinkUSA links on Dyspraxia
HealthlinkUSA Developmental Dyspraxia (Links to websites which may include treatment, cures, diagnosis, prevention, support groups, email lists, messageboards, personal stories, risk factors, statistics, research and more.)
About.com Central Auditory Processing Disorder
A Sample Sensory Diet(The following guidelines represent a kind of sensory diet for one particular child. Keep in mind that every child has a different regulatory and sensory profile, and that these activities are not appropriate or useful for every child. You should get guidance from an occupational therapist or other individual who is experienced with sensory integration)
Central Auditory Processing (Learning Disabilities Association FACT SHEET What are Central Auditory Processing Problems in Children?)
Developmental Concepts (Information about sensory processing disorders, Developmental Concepts and the Ready Approach)
Developmental Therapy Associates Inc.. (Developmental Therapy Associates, Inc. (DTA) is a private, pediatric occupational and speech therapy clinic which specializes in sensory integration evaluation and treatment. )
DRM WebWatcher: Movement Disorders (People living with neurologic movement disorders have difficulty controlling voluntary movement. They may have disordered or excessive movement (e.g., a tremor or a tic), slowness, or a lack of movement (e.g., Parkinson's disease). Movement disorders include ataxia, dystonia, essential tremor, Huntington's disease, Shy-Drager syndrome, myoclonus, Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, restless legs syndrome, Rett syndrome, spasticity, tardive dyskinesia/dystonia, tics/Tourette's syndrome, and Wilson's disease.)
EASe (Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect) (Vision Audio Inc. provides the EASe (Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect) Compact Disc to ease the pain of hyperacusis and auditory hypersenstivity in Autism, PDD, ADD, ADHD, and Downs Syndrome. and provide a low cost alternative to auditory integration therapy or training.)
Great Strides Therapeutic Riding Center (The programs at Great Strides combine therapy with the unconditional love gained through the human-animal bond. No other program offers such special therapeutic benefits in such a pleasant and rewarding atmosphere. We are a non-profit organization that is committed to offering riding and animal therapy to physically, develop mentally, and emotionally disabled children and adults. Through safe, effective, innovative riding and animal therapy programs individuals with disabilities can improve their lives. )
KIDZ PLAY PEDIATRIC THERAPY AND WELLNESS CENTER, L.L.C. Londonderry, New Hampshire (Our clinic specializes in sensory integration therapy and assessments. Services are provided in over 1000 square feet of clinic space with state of the art equipment. Services are provided to children ages birth thru eighteen years with a variety of diagnoses including but not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Right hemisphere dysfunction, Attention Deficit, and Dysfunction of Sensory Integration. Kidz Play will also be expanding to include physical therapy and speech language services. Wellness programs are also being added including swimming programs, bike riding lessons, play programs, writing groups, and fitness classes. We also have a catalog division called Theragifts which will be providing state of the art products and gifts for children of all abilities. Please call for more information contact us at (603) 437-3330.)
Lindamood-Bell (Lindamood-Bell™ has pioneered programs to develop the sensory cognitive processes that underlie reading, spelling, language comprehension, math, and visual motor skills. Our research-based programs are for individuals ranging from severely learning disabled to academically giftedages 5 years through adult. It is our mission to maximize the potential of every person to reason and communicate; we meet our goals with intelligence, integrity, and humor.)
Marie's Sensory Integration Site (I've designed this site with the hopes of helping those who are seeking information on Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SI). Fortunately, the amount of info available on the web has increased significantly lately, but it's still not much considering the variety of problems associated with SI Dysfunction) (Go to the SI table of contents)
O.A.T.S. Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles (Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles was founded in 1997 by Nancy Lee Heussner, a NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) certified instructor. O.A.T.S. is a NARHA Member Center. Today O.A.T.S. and its all-volunteer staff provides its unique therapy year-round to more than 80 students with a variety of physical and emotional handicaps, such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, transverse myelitis, Huntington's disease and many others.)
Saddle Up! (Saddle Up! is a therapeutic horseback riding program designed for physically and mentally challenged children. It is operated by trained and dedicated volunteer instructors, medical professionals and lay people. We strive to improve a childs self-confidence, muscle relaxation, strength and flexibility, and enhance balance and coordination. We also hope to bring joy to our children and parents through various activities. The program's home is in Leipers Fork (Williamson County). We serve a broad range of children living throughout the middle Tennessee area.)
Samonas (Samonas is an individualized sound therapy program that captures the dynamics of music, sound and science in specialized recordings. Through 20 years of research Ingo Steinbach developed a system offering solutions ... for learning disabilities, attention deficit / hyperactivity, speech & language, communication, memory & information processing, focusing & organization, spatial & bilateral organizatio,n task management, motivation ... adapted to the personal needs of your clients!)
Sensory Integration International (Sensory Integration International is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation concerned with the impact of sensory integrative problems on people's lives. We bring together professionals, individuals, families, and researchers who want to know more about sensory integration. Our goal is to improve quality of life for persons with sensory processing disorders. We advocate early intervention to prevent sensory inefficiencies that have the potential of contributing to debilitating social or health conditions. In an effort to enhance wellness in the general public, SII promotes education about the impact of inadequate sensory processing and its relationship to health and one's occupation. A child's occupation is play and school performance)
Sensory Integration Resource Center (Our mission is to build a community of people committed to understanding Sensory Integration Dysfunctions and improving the quality of life for children and families. We are striving to provide parents, teachers, occupational therapists, physicians and researchers with an online resource center that makes it easy to locate online Sensory Integration resources. These are by no means all of the resources available on the Internet, but it is an excellent starting place.)
Sensory Learning (The Bolles Sensory Learning Method is an innovative noncognitive approach to developmental learning that utilizes Enhanced Natural Sensory Stimulation for remediation of an individual's Acquired Brain-Skills. This educational method is highly successful across a wide spectrum of populations because our brains are more alike than they are different. This approach re-educates Acquired Brain-Skills by stimulating the participant's sensory systems to learn or relearn subconscious reception, processing and integration skills. The beneficial outcomes of the Bolles Sensory Learning Method are long lasting and continue to accrue over time.)
Sensory Resources (Thank you for visiting the Sensory Resources website. Make us your first choice for answers on sensory integration and sensory processing. We specialize in sensory issues, and we are dedicated to providing you with: * High quality* Excellent service* Reasonable prices* Practical, useful, and accurate information)
SNOEZELEN® World-wide Foundation (ROMPA® has been at the forefront of developing new products and concepts to improve the quality of life of people with sensory difficulties for more than 18 years.)
Society for Auditory Integration Training (The Society for Auditory Intervention Techniques (SAIT) is a non-profit organization and is located in Salem, Oregon. SAIT distributes information about auditory integration training (AIT) and other auditory-based interventions to professionals and parents through information packets; The Sound Connection, our quarterly newsletter; and annual conferences.)
Theragifts (Welcome to Theragifts- A division of Kidz Play Pediatric Therapy and Wellness Center, LLC Specializing in Sensory Integrative Services Are you tired of running around looking for sensory diet products, well give your feet a rest. Come explore our web site )
Tomatis Method AIT(The Tomatis Method builds strong listening skills through auditory stimulation, to improve learning and language abilities, communication, creativity, and social behavior)
The Tactile Defensive Child (As one who has a young family member diagnosed with Tactile Defensiveness, among other problems, I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the information I've found, and the insight I've gained, while watching his progress through therapy.)
"An Experimental Intervention For Autism Understanding and Implementing a Gluten & Casein Free Diet " (An anthropologist by training and degree, I was a member of Princeton University's Computing Center staff for ten years. My interest in autism began in 1991, when our son Samuel was diagnosed as PDD-NOS. In 1993 I became interested in dietary interventions and I was able to use my knowledge of computing to research the topic thoroughly, and to make contacts with others who were doing similar research. In 1994 I wrote a document about gluten and casein free diets that may be of interest to other parents and professionals -Lisa Lewis)
Autism Network for Dietary Intervention (ANDI Providing Help And Support For Families Using A Gluten & Casein Free Diet In The Treatment Of Autism And Related Developmental Disabilities)
Autism Recovery Network GFCFDiet Links and Recipes (Holly has put thousands of recipes on her site)
Autistic Spectrum and Dietary Intervention
Celiac Mailing List Archives and Info Site(A stunning array of information; international scope. "Archives of the CELIAC (Gluten & Wheat Intolerance) discussion list, an open, unmoderated discussion list for those interested in celiac (coeliac) disease, sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, and coincident intolerances, such as casein or lactose intolerance. Coping with the developmental delays and behavioral changes sometimes brought on or aggravated by gluten (Autism, Asperger's, Attention Deficit, etc.); recipes and tips on how to cook; and where to find gluten free food by mail-order.")
Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Diet Support Page (Celiac.com has provided information and support for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance since 1995, including important gluten-free and wheat-free diet resources. The purpose of this site is to provide people who have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, and are not aware of it, with a means of figuring out what their problem is, and to help those who know they have it lead more comfortable and healthy lives.)
Celiac Disease Webring("The sites on the Celiac Disease Webring provide information and support to people with Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis, and resources for living a gluten free lifestyle.") (I know this is not a product catalog but included it as it currently has 42 sites on its webring.)
Collected Articles of Dr. Kalle Reichelt (Contains articles on the connection between Mental Disease, Autism, Allergies, etc., and Gluten/Casein Intolerance)
Dadamo Blood Type(You've reached the website specifically designed for education and research in human ABO polymorphism. It is based upon the theory outlined in Peter D'Adamo's New York Times bestseller Eat Right 4 Your Type, hailed as the "Boldest of the new books on alternative medicine." Through this landmark work, the concept of individualized nutrition has been introduced for the first time to millions of readers around the world.)
The Feingold Association(The dietary connection to better behavior, learning & health)
Free Gluten/Allergy-Free Recipes
Great Plains Laboratory(We hope you will find this page helpful and informative. We are the world leader in urinary organic acid testing.æ Two of the most important things we test for are yeast and bacteria.æ We also test for many nutritional items such as B6, vitamin C and many other compounds.The test we do can help children and adults with conditions such as autism, PDD, ADD, ADHD, Downs Syndrome with autistic like symptoms, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS or MS like symptoms, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Brain Fog, Depression, Psychosis, GI disorders, and many other diseases and conditions.)
The Gluten Free Mall(Congratulations, you have found the only "one-stop shop" on the Internet for special dietary foods! Here you can purchase and have delivered to your door a huge variety of gluten-free, wheat-free, soy-free, egg-free and dairy/casein-free items from many outstanding companies -- all at one Internet site, and all with one simple, secure purchase!. On-line special diet shopping for those on gluten-free, wheat-free and milk-free diets due to celiac disease, autism or other reasons.)
GFCFrecipes · Recipe group for cooking a gluten-free, casein-free diet, especially for chidren.
Gluten Free Casein Free Diet (Explanation of the diet, menus, sources of foods, Autism diet message board, information about Gluten Casein support group mailing list.)
Gluten Free / Casein Free Recipes
The Gluten Free Kitchen cooking with Lucy
The Gluten-Free Page Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance Web Sites (Great site managed by Don Wiss - he also has the "GFmall and GFrecipes and BigSpud and PaleoDiet and PaleoFood and NoMilk pages)
Gluten Solutions Wheat-Free Groceries At Your Doorstep
HeartCoreWellness This site is really about fortifying your immune system...optimizing your health... and you feeling better and better. (No financial interest whatsoever but it has HELPED my son!)
Lesley's Recipe Archive Gluten Free Recipes
Living Without (Sully's Living Without is a lifestyle guide for people with food and chemical sensitivities. It discusses a wide variety of health issues including allergies, food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, wheat intolerance, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, dairy allergies, eating disorders, asthma, diabetes, dermatitis, gastroenterology-related disorders, diets that heal, celiac disease, anaphylaxis and the common allergens of egg, dairy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, corn, soy and gluten. Whether it be an allergy an intolerance or a sensitivity, we provide the solutions for living well, living without. )
The No Milk Page(A page of many annotated links to sites for people wishing to avoid dairy products for health or other reasons. Examples are lactose maldigestion, milk allergy, milk protein intolerance, casein intolerance, and the vegan diet.) (A Don Wiss site)
Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) (The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) is a web based program that allows anyone to analyze the foods they eat for various different nutrients. This tool is completely free and quite easy to use, just choose one of the options)
The Pratt Family Gluten-Free Cookbook & Resources
Recipes Implementing a Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Diet
UPC Database (The Celiac UPC database is designed for use by celiacs and offers a way to determine if a product is gluten-free based on the product's UPC code. It is designed for those who dislike standing in store aisles, scratching their heads wondering if a particular product is safe to eat. It is also designed for those celiacs who hate wasting food and have areas set aside in cabinets, refrigerators and freezers for the ever growing number of items that were bought by mistake and will never be consumed.)
Wheat Free and Gluten Free Recipes and Resources